Saturday, 25 January 2014

First Garden Moths!

For the first time since 1st Nov I had two whole moths in the trap, in the shape of these two Chestnuts. It's a start I guess!

Friday, 17 January 2014

Another indoor moth

My indoor mothing continues, with a White-shouldered House Moth in the bathroom this morning. Also had an Early Moth at my regular woodland.

Now that I'm in my third full season of mothing, and having checked my records, I'm not really expecting to see too much for another couple of weeks or so, but I would like to see some moths...!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Woodland Moths

After running a 6w actinic trap in a local woodland for the winter GMS scheme, my first outdoor moth of the year was a Winter Moth. Not at the trap, but nearby, were two Early Moths.

Monday, 6 January 2014

First Moth of the Year!

It's not very exciting, but I was pleased to find my first moth of the year, resting on the window blind on my landing. Not surprised to find nothing outside, given the amount of wind and rain we are having in these parts. In fact, I haven't trapped a singe moth at home for two full months. Let's hope things get underway soon...

Oh, the moth, it's a Twenty-plume Moth (Alucita hexadactyla).