Friday, 1 August 2014

A Thorny Issue...

This week I have been mainly trapping in my garden, with reasonable results and a few new species for my year list, seeming to comprise of 2nd-generation moths.

This week's theme has been various "Thorn" species with Early, Purple, August, September, Dusky and Canary-shouldered varieties (the latter was actually in the bedroom, so a new one for the house list as well!)

Canary-shouldered Thorn

Other new moths for the year list include Orange SwiftChrysoclista linneella (a lifer for me), Tawny-speckled Pug and Pine Hawk-moth (first for the garden).

Chrysoclista linneella

The regular Thursday-night session in nearby woodland with the 6w light has produced Large Emerald and Dark Spinach.

Dark Spinach

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